As a child I always felt a little different than those around me.
I was an introvert with a deep connection to the outdoors, spending my days running around in the forest often alone.

This matrix didn’t seem to make sense to me, and nature was the only place I felt comfortable.
As a young adolescent, despite being raised Catholic, my head was buried in books about spiritual mysticism, opening my perceptions and shining awareness on my intuitive abilities.
At 19 I became a massage therapist, and have been a bodyworker for 22 years. I’ve taught massage in college and in massage franchises.
Over these years I’d also been on a quest to find a deeper calling that my heart was longing for. I loved bodywork but could palpably there was there was something else my soul wanted to do. I explored health coaching, naturopathy, functional medicine, wilderness survival, colon hydrotherapy… on and on.
I observed that these healing modalities could only take a person so far with their well-being and couldn’t usually address the absolute root of the problem.

Eleven schools later, Shamanism fortuitously came into my world and for the first time I felt at peace - my exhaustive search was over. Shamanism changed my life in many miraculous ways, which blow my mind to this day.
What I love about this stunning, earth-based methodology, is that it is all encompassing. It is a diverse tool that can address every aspect of our lives as well as issues from the unseen realms which hold us in uncomfortable looping patterns.
Most western modalities are not yet acknowledging these realms. It is ancient, sacred, and potent medicine.
The Shamanic Journey Path is a way to walk in the world with beauty, grace, and personal power.
I help clients by using and sharing shamanic tools to uncover aspects of themselves which have been hidden, revealing new possibilities and potentials.
It is truly an astounding path that takes us deeply inside, allowing us to embody our essential self. The more embodied we are, the more our lives become magical and limitless.
My passion is to help facilitate you on your transformational journey to an empowered, stunning, and deeply rich life.